All the Part & parcel of Land & Building situated at Mouza - Nangla, J.L. No. 155 Re. Su. No. 316, Touzi No. 2167. Hal Touzi No. 14 Comprised in L.R. Khatian No. 1348 LR krishi 308/1 1290. 1289. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 &12 appertining to RS & LR Dag Nos. 1901/2202 1901/2501 1901/2626 1901/2628 1901/2518, Total area of land measuring 95 Decimal situated at Maslandapur 2 No GP. P.S. - Habra Dist - 24 Pgs (N) Deed No. I-2907 of 2009 in the name of Mrs. Maya Saha