Equitable Mortg age of Residential Land and Building situated at Vil Chakdartbar, PO Harharpur, PS Debra, Dist Paschim Medinipur bearing JL No.88, RS&LR Plot No.323 and Plot No.319, Area 3.00Dec&Area 7.00Dec respecfvely, Khatian No.LR&RS 209/3, Mouza Chakdarbar executed in the name of Mrs Prat ma Bera vide Deed No.l-2365/2012 dated 22/06/2012. Bound ed & Butted by (Plot No.323): North: 6'Pt Wide Road; South: Hutment of Malay Bera; East 6Ft Wide Road; West VacantLand of Subal Chan dra Bera. Bounded& Butted by (Plot No.319): North: 12Ft Road South: Vacant Land of Malay Bera; East Vacant Land of Subal Chandra Bera; West: Vacant Land of Basudam Bera.