All that piece and parcel of land and building situated J.L. No. 33. Mouza- Dhubulia, area of land measuring 0.01 acre, under Dhubulia I No. Gram Panchayat P.S.- Dhubulia, A.D.S.R.- Krishnagar, Dist.- Nadia, Khatian No. L.R.- - 1643, Plot No. R.S.- 38/3371, Plot No. L.R.- 495. Registered vide Deed No. 130205482 / 2019 in the name of Mr. Kishore Dutta S/O Late Dulal Dutta. Butted & bounded by (as per deed): On the North: 16 feet wide Pucca Road, On the South: House of Arun Shah, On the East Satkar Samiti Club. On the West: House of Malina Karmakar.