All That as self-contained piece or parcel of land including building where land measuring more or less 2 cottah 1 chittak 35 sq. ft more or less along with two storied pakka structure lying and situated under Mouza- Naihati, J.L No 3. Re.Sa.No-21, Touzi No 630, R.S Dag No- 1496(part) & 1501 (part) corresponding to L.R dag No 2469 & 2483, under LR Khatian No 8402, under P.S. Naihati, Ward No-18, within the limits of Naihati Municipality, 10/9 Atal behari Sarkar Road, District North 24 Parganas, West Bengal-743165 Butted and Bounded by On the North: - House and land of sn Durgapada Bairagi, Sri Paritash Pal, Smt. Sumati Dasi and Sri Satish Das. On the south: - 12 Feet Wide Common passage, On the East - Mitra Para Branch lane, On the west - R.S Dag No 1496(Part The property is under Symbolic Possession