a) Equitable mortgage of two storied building measuring more or less 1500 Sq. Ft each on the ground floor and first floor i.e. 3000 sq. ft. and also d one tin shed measuring more or less 4000 Sq. ft. Both of them are constructed on land measuring more or less 89 decimals L.R. Dag No.- 308. L.R. Khalian No.- 133, J.L No.- 93, Mouza- Lachubarh, under 4 no. Gram Panchayet, P.O.- Kharuigarh, P.S.- - Patashpur. District- Purba Midnapore, Butted and Bounded by : North by: Land of Kamal Mahanty and others, South by: 30 wide LalatJanka Road, East by: Shali Land of S PhaniBhusan Das, West by: Shali Land of Sri Bishnu Pada Shaw. b) Equitable mortgage of vacant land measuring more or less 19 decimals, L.R. Dag No. 307, L.R. Khatian No. 133. J.L No. 93, Mouza- Lachubarh, under 4 No. Gram Panchayet, P.O. Kharuigarh., P.S. Patashpur, No.-307. District- Purba Midnapore, Butted and Bounded by : North by : The Dag No.- 308, South by: 30 ft. wide Lalat Janka Road, East by Shali Land of Sri Phani Bhusan Das, West by: Shali Land of Sri Bishnu Pada Shaw. Property owned by: - Both a) & b) in the name of M/s. Bengal United Engineering Projects Ltd. (This property is under Symbolic Possession)