Equitable Mortgae of all the part and parcel of Holding Premises No. 11/3/3/91N, Village - Kankarasuti, P.O. + P.S. - Baduria, Pin - 743 401, Dist. - 24 Pargana North, Mouza - Kankarasuti, Re Sa. No. 121, J.L. No. 29, Touzi No. 603, C.S. Khatian No. 961, R.S. Khatian No. 2581, L.R. Khatian No. 1325. Land of 0.25 Satak in R.S. Dag 4034 and land of 0.12 Satak in C.S./R.S. Dag No. 4035. Ward No. 04, with one storied pucca building on total Bastu land of 0.37 Satak m/l. By virtue of Sale Deed Being No. 1564 for the year 1986, in the name of Smt. Bijali Roy, W/o Sri Rabindra Nath Roy, (Near Location : Machlandpur - Prafulla Colony Stop Andhar Manick Purba Para - U.P. School). The Property owned by Smt. Bijali Roy. (Under Symbolic Possession)