All that piece and parcel of land measuring 1 Cottah (more or less) along with structures thereon situated at J.L. No. 27, Mouza - Rishra, RS Dag No. 3426, LR Dag No. 10133, RS Khatian No. 347, LIR Khatian Nos. 17574, 17573 and 17572 having Holding No. 59/1, T. C. Mukherjee Street within the ambit of Ward No. 9 of Rishra Municipality, P.S. - Rishra, Dist - Hooghly. Registered at the Office of ADSR, Serampore, vide being No. I-07447 of 2014, Book No. I, CD Volume No. 13, Page No. 230 to 243. Property standing In the name of Srl Bhaskar Laha and Smt. Rekha Laha. Property Is bounded by : North - Property of Sri Alik Chatterjee, South - Property of Srl Susanta Mondal, East - Property of Prasanta Majhi, West - 3ft wide Common Passage.