All that piece & parcel of Bastu Land measuring 3 cottah along with two storied building there in, situated at Mouza Baidyabati, JL No 5, R.S. Dag no 99, L.R. Dag no 160, L.R. Khatian no 3735 & 3736, holding no 71/47/1/A, Chatterjee Para under the ambit Ward no 16 of Baidyabati Municipality, P.S. Serampore, District-Hooghly. Registered at the Office of ADSR Serampore, vide being no I-060503027 of 2017, Book no I, Volume no 0605-2017, Page no 70902 to 70920. Property is in the name of Sri Surojit Pyne, S/o Sri Gobinda Pyne. As per Deed, the property is butted & bounded by: In the North by a pond, In the South by Common Passage, In the East by property of Sri Biswanath Bandyopadhyay, In the West by property of D Banerjee. Possession-Symbolic