2. Property in the name of MR KALUVA SAI CHARAN Vide Gift Deed No 6797/2018 Dated 19-09-2018 and with vide MOD 1174/2021 dated 18.01.2021: All that part and piece of Land and Building at Ground Floor, First Floor in survey number 689/3 with Door No 3-456-1-1-2, Assessment Number 1007022326, ward no 3, Krishnapuram Zero Road Tadipatri Muncipality, Anantapuram District, with an admeasuring of 74.86 square yards is being Bounded by: East: House of Mahanandi Gari Sankar Reddy, South: Krishnapuram Zero Road, West: House of Jaini Subhashini, North: Open site Kaluva Venkata Thulasi Pullaiah.