Property 2: Equitable mortgage of land & building thereon situated at Uttar Podrah, Natun Pally, P.O. Daner Sheikh Lane, P.S. Sankarail, Dist. Howrah, PIN-7111109 under Howrah Municipal Corporation Mouza- Thanamakua, J.L. No. 40, R.S. Dag No. 28, R.S. Khatian No. 376 corresponding to L.R. Dag No. 29, LR Khatian No. 1654 within the limits of Ward No. 45 of Howrah Municipal Corporation. Area of Land: 03 Cottah 21 Sqft more or less (Property owner Subrata Dey vide Deed No. 1-796 of 2006 and Deed No. 1-9487 of 2013)