All the part and parcel of property consists of Industrial Land & Factory Building and including Plant and Machinery situated on factory land and building of S.No.55P1, S.No 55P2 ad-measuring 34394.00 Sq.Mt and Built up Area ad-measuring 31162.71 Village Matel, Ta-Wankaner, Morbi and bounded as follows- survey no. 56 P1 bounded by: North The land of S.No.56p. is situated South: The land of S.No.55 p.2 is situated East: wastage land is situated West: Road is situated survey no. 55 P2 bounded by: North: The land of is situated South: The land of p. is situated East: Wastage land is situated West: wankaner-M Gada Marag is situated survey no. 55 P1 bounded by: North: The land of is situated South: The land of S.No.50&51 is situated East: Wastage land is situated West: wankaner-M Gada Marag is situated Property Owner VITRIFIED PVT LTD Breakup of Reserve Price Rs.27,36,00,000/- is as below: Factory Land & Building: Rs.15,73,00,000/- Plant & Machinery: Rs.11,63,00,000/- (Plant & Machinery Rs.1160.51 lacs + Moveable assets Rs.2.49 lac