All the part and parcel of land & bulding comprising in regd deed of gift being no- 1-3007/2015 for dated 21.04.2015 ADSR: Serampore, Dist: Hooghly having an aggregate area of 4 cotahs 13 chatak out of which land measuring of 03 cottahs comprising 5148/5527 in R S Khatian no 944 appertaining to LR dag no 6108 lying and situated at mouza- dirganga, JL No-4& land measuring an area of 1 cottha 13 chatak comprising RS dagno 5148 in R SKhatian No 944 appertaining to L R DAG NO 6105 LYNG AND SITUATED AT MOUZA-Dirganga, J LNo4 under Baidyabat munidpality, near V KK ADSRSREAMPORE DIST-HOOGHLY. 2.All the partand parcel ofland &building comprising in regd deed of gift be ing no-1-3057/2015 for dated 20.04.2015 ADSR: Serampore Dist: Hooghly having an aggregate area of 13 cottahs11 chatak 35 Sqft or 0.23 acre cotahs oomprised in comprised RS Dag no 5139 in R S Khatian no 944 appertaining to LR dag no 6106 ying and situated at MOUZA-Dirganga, J L No 4 under Baidyabati municipality , near VKRoad, ps&ADSRSREAMPORE DIST-HOOGHLY. 3 All the partand parcel of land&buiding comprising in regd deed of gift being no- 1-3059/2015 for dated 20.04.2015 ADSR: Serampore Dist:Hooghly having an aggregate area of 17cottahs 8 chatak 18 SQ FT out of which land measuring of 16 cotahs 6 CHATAK 44 SQ ft comprising RS Dag o 3253 under LR plot no 4154 and land measuring 01 cotah 01 chatak 19 sq ft comprising in R Splot no 3248 under LR PLOT NO 4158 ALL ARE RS KHATIAN NOS 22172814 AND 2800 CcORRESPONDING LR khatan no 3906,3907,3908 and 3909 LYING AND SITUATED AT MOUZA -Dirganga, J Lno 4 RS Dag no under Baidyabati Municipality holding no 27/B near VK Road, ps & ADSR SREAMPORE DIST-HOOGHLY 4 Allthe partand parcel of land & buiding comprising in regd deed of gift being no-1-3004/2015 for dated 21.04.2015 ADSR: Serampore, Dist: Hooghly having an agregate area of 12 cottahs 9chatak 12 Sqt comprised RS plotno 3249 under LR plotno 4159 RSKHATJAN No 2217,2814 & 2800 corresponding to L R KHATIAN NO 3906,3907,3908, 3909 LYING AND SITUATED AT MOUZA - Dirganga, J Lno 4 under Baidyabati Municipality holding no 27/B near VK Road, ps&ADSR SREAMPORE DIST-HOOGHLY." Deed of declaration being no 633/2016 dated 17.02.2016 at ADSR SERAMPORE DISTT-HO0GHLY FOR NAME RECTIFCATION. The Property is under Symbolic possesion