Land measuring 69.00 Decimal together with factory shed / structures standing thereon, lying and situated within the limits of Uchalan Gram Panchayet, Mouza Keunta, J.L. No. 142, Block Raina-II, comprised in L.R. Dag No. 1563, under R.S. Khatian No. 666, L.R. Khatian No. 756, Vill & P.O. Keunta, P.S. Madhabdihi, District - Purba Bardhaman, Pin- 713 423 in the name of Mr. Bishnupada Bhattacharya vide Title Deed No. 10378 recorded in the Book No. I, Volume No. 113, Pages from 21 & 24 dated: 1972 registered in the office of the ADSR, Arambagh.