All that piece and parcel of land measuring about 3 Cottah 12 Chittack more or less together with Residential Buildinglying and situated at Dag No. 739, Khatian No. 549, Mouza Kendua (Baishnabghata), KMC Premise No. 29, Now (24) Ashutosh Pally, Ward No. 101, P. S. Jadavpur, Kolkata 700084, more fully and particularly described in the Deed of Conveyance dated 27.11.1991, Recorded in Book No. I. Volume No. 278, Pages 361 to 370, Being No. 17071 of the year 1991, Registered in DSR-Alipore, in the name of Mr. Subrata Sengupta, S/o. Biswanath Sengupta. Property is bound and butted by North Road, South Land of Dag No. 737, East Land of Dag No. 739 & Road, West Land of Dag No. 738. Location:22.473921, 88.37923