Property 1: All that piece & parcel of Bastu land area 4.37 Satak along with pucca structures standing thereon situated at Mouza- Pandua, J.L. No. 108 R.S. Dag No. 822 corresponding to L.R. Dag No 1091. L.R. Khatian No. 12244. P.S. - Pandua Dist - Hooghly Regd at the Office of DSR-I. Hooghly vide being No I-13123/19 for the year 2019, recorded in Book No I. CD Volume No. 0601-2019 Page from 277045 to 277062 Property is standing in the name of Mr. Ashiful Haque, S/o. Late Ajijul Haque The Property butted and bounded by : On the North : House of Mofijur Rahaman, On the South : Property and house of Ariful Haque, On the East: 10 ft wide Common Passage On the West: House of Md. Salim Property 2: All that piece & parcel of Bastu land area 4.37 Satak along with pucca structures thereon situated at Mouza - Pandua, J.L. No. 108. RS Dag No. 822 corresponding to LR Dag No. 1091. L.R Khatian No. 12238 PS - Pandua Dist - Hooghly Registered at the office of DSR - I, Hooghly vide being No. I-13120/19 for the year 2019. recorded in Book No. I. CD Volume No 0601-2019. Page from 277063 to 277080 Property is standing in the name of Mr. Ariful Haque, S/o. Late Ajijul Haque The Property butted and bounded by : On the North : Property of Asiful Haque & Naima Haque, On the South : House of Rasida Bibi, On the East 10 ft wide Common passage On the West : House of Md. Salim