E M of all that part and parcel of property consisting of 4.05 Ares (10 cents) of land in Old Survey No 203/1, Re Survey No.536/2 W1 B10 & 3.90 Ares No. 203/1, (9.63 Re Cents) Survey in No. .536/2 Old Survey W1 B 10 in Kannur II Village and Amsom, Chalad Desom of Kannur Taluk and District owned by Sri P.V. Salahudheen dheen, Sri P.V Sri Abdul P.V Hakeem, Mohammed Sri lqbal, Shamsu Sri. P.V Zubair and Sri.Abdul Shukoor. Boundaries: 4.05 Ares (10 Cents) (As per Title Deed): East: A plot and remaining property; South: Others Property and 1 am thak; West: Others Property and remaining property: North: 2 am-thak remaining property and Road. Boundaries -3.90 Ares (9.63 East: Cents) A plot ; (As South: per Title Property Deed): of Jameela & Others; West: Property of Jameela & Others; North: Road
All that part and parcel of property consisting of 4.05 Ares10 cents of land in Old Survey No.536 BY 2 W1 B10 and 3.90 Ares 9.63 cents in Old Survey No.203 BY 1 Re Survey No.536 BY 2 W1 B10