Mustkil Pargana & Tehsil Bindki Distt. Fatehpur Admeasuring 0.2633 Hect in the name of M/s Tasty Dairy Specialities Ltd through it's director Sh. M K Singh S/o Sh. S B Singh R/o 1-H-1, Dabauli, Kanpur Nagar registered in the office of Sub Registrar Fatehpur init book no. 1, Volume 2603 at pages no. 49 to 74 at serial no. 3419 on 21.04.2010 Boundaries as per sale deed: - East: Khet of Mohd. Abid Khan West: Khet Jay Shanker Singh and others North: Khet of Ram Bahadur and Others South: G.T. Road