All that a Residential Rat at 1st Floor measuring about 800 Sq. FL the same little more or less super built up area situated at two storied building Mouza - Humaipur J.L. No. 52, R.S. No. 56, Touzi No. 146, R.S. Khatian No. 470, L.R. Khatian no. 2506, R.S. Dag No. 215, L.R. Dag No. 300, Scheme Plot No. E/3. Holding No. 583/C, PS Barasat, Dist. 24 PGS North within the jurisdiction of the Madhyamgram Municipality, Ward No. 10. Name of the Owner of property: Srl Laltu Mitra Alias Abhijit Mitra Butted and bounded by:- On the North: By Dag No. 215, On the South: By 5' + 5 = 10' Common passage, On the East: By Dag No. 215, On the West By 3' + 3' = 06' Common passage