Equitable mortgage of commercial space (5 Shops A. B, C. D. E of 220 Sq.ft. each merged into one space) at ground floor of super built up area 1100 Sq.ft. of a G+III storied building laying and situated at Mouza Kamdohari, J.L. No. 49. C.S. Plot No. 108(P) E.P. No. 85, S.P. No. 54, Premises No. 199, Bidhan Pally (Postal Address "Narayan Apartment" 85. Bidhan Pally. P.S.- Regent Park, Dist South 24 Pgs. West Bengal Kolkata- 700084) Ward No. 112 under jurisdiction of Kolkata Municipal Corporation The Property is butted and bounded as follows : North by KMC Road. South by Property of Smt. Dey. East by 86. Bihan Pally, West- by 84, Bidhan Pally. Property owned by Mr. Anand Sanker Sarbajan S/o. Late Sourendra Kumar Sarbajan (Guarantor) vide Deed Nos. I-2629/17. I-2630/17 I-2631/17. I-2632/17 and I-2633/17 registered at DSR-I South 24 Pgs. Property Map Location : Latitude : 22.46902, Longitude : 88.37206 (Google Map)