Plot in Seelapadi, Dindigul Punjab National Bank Punjab National Bank


    Borrower Name
    Afreen Leather Exports
    Bank Name
    Punjab National Bank
    Property Type
    Property owned by Mr.S. Khader Meeran : All that piece and parcel of land at Plot No. 7,8,9 & 10, SPR Nagar, Nandavanapatti to Settinayakanpatti Road, Seelapadi, R S No. 321/1C1, 329/3A, Seelapadi Village & Panchayat, Dindigul Taluk, Dindigul District (Latitude 10.391629 and Longitude 77.984211) Plot No. 7 North : Plot No.8, South : Plot No.6, East: RS No. 329/3B1Property, West :20 Feet Wide Road. Plot No.8 : North : Plot No.9, South : Plot No.7. East: R S No. 329/3B Property, West : 20 Feet Wide Road, Plot No.9 : North : Plot No. 10, South Plot No.9, East: RS No. 329/3B1 & 321/3 Property, West: 20 Feet Wide Road, Plot No. 10 : North : Plot No. 11. South Plot No.9. East: R S No. 329/3B1 & 321/3 Property, West: 20 Feet Wide Road.
    Seelapadi, Dindigul
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Bid Increment
    EMD submission
    Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 28 Jun 2023 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Wed, 28 Jun 2023 04:00 PM
    Contact Details for Support
    Phone No : 044 2850 2043 / 94444 44470
    EAuction Website
    Punjab National Bank
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