All that piece & parcel of land measuring 2.25 Cottah with two storied building measuring 1235 Sq.ft + 1235 Sq.f (GF+FF) approximately under Kismat Apurbapur Mouza, J.L No. 51 L.R Khatian No. 1708, R.S & L.R Plot No. 813 lying within the ambit of Singur 1 No. Gram Panchayat, PS. Singur, in the Dist. Hooghly. West Bengal The property is butted & bounded by In the North House of Abhijit Adhikari, In the South Swarnapally Puja Mandap, In the East 10 ft. wide Panchayat Road. In the West 10 ft. wide Panchayat Road Registered at the Office of the ADSR Singur, Dist. Hooghly, West Bengal along with all easement rights, vide being no. 1254 of 2007. Book no I. CD Volume no 02. Page no from 5437 to 5448 Property is in the name of Sri Sujit Ghosh.