All the piece and parcel of land measuring 1054.74 SFT (together with half share in the passage measuring an extend of 191 SFT) totaling an extent of 1150.26 SFT and four storied building thereon Ground Floor to Third Floor each measuring 1000 SFT and Fourth Floor measuring 500 SFT situated at Old door no 44, New door no 37, Present Door no 37/2, Kutti Thambiran Street, Pulianthope, Perambur, Chennai – 600 012 forming part of Perambur Village, Purasaivakkam – Perambur Taluk, Chennai District in Old R.S.No 87, New R.S.No 87/5, block No.2 and bounded by North : House of Mr. Munusamy Naicker South : House of Mr. Venkatesan East : House of Mr. Naresh Kumar West : House of Mr. Mohammed Jaleen Within the Registration District of Chennai North and Sub-Registration District of Purasaivakkam (The same property is extended to education loan availed by Mr. Aravind Balaji & Mr.B N Balaji)