All that piece and parcel of BASTU land with building thereon measuring about 6.50 satak or more or less 4 katha, lying and situated at Mouza-Jirat, Touzi No-146, JL No-121, Re Sa No-214,Pargana-Anowarpur,sabek khatian no-325/1, Hal khanda khatian-576,LR Khatian no-398, New Own Khatian No-1792 (as per mutation certificate), LR Dag No-92. under local jurisdiction of Kashimpur Gram pan- chayet, PS-Barasat, Dist-North 24 Parganas, vide sale deed no-00829 for the year 2009, registered in Book No-1, CD Volume No-3, Page from 3898 to 3910, at ADSRO- Kadambagachi. The property is in the name of-Sadananda Baral. (Under Symbolic Possession), Property ID:PUN- BOTUHINENT001