Land and Construction Thereon Situated at Mauja-Mathurapur, Pargana-Purab Bhigo, District-Darbhanga,Title Deed No-1895, Dt.- 1 0 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 0 , T h a n a N o - 4 9 8 , Ta u z i N o - 1 6 2 2 , k h a t a - 110(O),169(N),146(N), Khesra 240(O)324(N)207(O)130(N) ,Area-01Kattha 5 Dhur, Boundary:-N-Madhu Jha, S-Ramprit Paswan etc.,E- Kishori Mahto, W- Kashi Mahaseth etc.(Owner of the property)- Shri Upendra Yadav S/o-Late Rameshwar Yadav. (Bank has symbolic possession over property.)