all the part and piece of property situated guntur district — nallapadu sub-district, nallapadu gram panchayat, nallapadu village vide d no 178 covering in an extent of ac 6.10 cents and out of it in an extent of ac 4.10 cents, plot nos 31, 35, covering in an extent of 379.6/9 sq yds, of site plot no 35 full and in plot no 31 some part, thus 189.83 sq yds of vacant site is being bounded by :- east : site of plot no 36 measuring 51 feet; 30.66 3.07 page 3 of 5 south: 30 ft wide road measuring 33.6 ft; west : site of chukka bhavana plot no 31 measuring 51 ft; & north: site of plot no 37 and plo9t no 30 some extent measuring 33.6 ft within these boundaries covering in an extent of 189.83 sq.yds (or) 158.71 sq mts of vacant site only. an extent of 379.6 by 9 sq yds, of site plot no 35 full and in plot no 31 some part, thus 189.83 sq yds
an extent of 379.6 BY 9 sq yds, of site Plot No 35 full and in Plot No 31 some part, thus 189.83 sq yds