The property consisting 2 sale deeds with total area 28.33 sq yards on ground floor + 28.33 sq yards on first floor =56.66 Sq. yards as detailed below: A property no. 68/29 (western part) measuring 28.33 sq. yards, (only ground floor) comprised in Rect. And Killa no. 78//25/3 situated at mauja para, Chanakyapuri Rohtak, registered in the name of Sh. Sajjan Deshwal S/o Satyapal vide sale deed no.2539 dated 03.06.2005 and (first floor) in the name of Smt Savita W/o Sh Sajjan Deshwal vide sale deed no 12604 dated 26.03.2012 registered in the office of joint sub registrar Rohtak, and same is bounded as under :- East: 30 feet property Kuljeet Singh Common wall, West: 30 feet property Virender Singh Common wall, North: 8 feet 6 inch, property Virender Singh Common wall, South: 6 feet, 6 inch street.