Equitable Mortgage of Two Shop Cum Godown of area 251 Sq.ft. and 165 Sq.ft. respectively. total 416 Sq.ft. (312 Sq.ft. from three donor and 104 of own share) of Ground floor in a Four Storied Building Located at Habra Bazaar, Jessore Road, P.O. + P.S. - Habra. Dist - North 24 Parganas, Mouza - Hijal Pukuria, J.L. No. 80, RS No. 312, LR Khatian No. 5183. RS & LR Dag No. 2819. Property in the name of Usha Devi Bhattar by virtue of Deed No. I-6978 of the Year 2016. (Under Symbolic Possession)