All Parts and Parcels of One Shop Measuring 02 Marlas i.e. 2/227 share 11 Kanals 07Marlas,Comprised ofRect.No.6 62, Killa No. 14/2/2(7 5) 17/1/1(4-2) Khewat No. 283, Khatoni No. 352, Jamabandi for year 2003-04, Hadbast No. 210 Sale Deed No. 654 Dated 14-05-2007 owned by Smt. Geeta Rani W/o Sh. Ashok Kumar, Which is bound the boundaries as East: Bhagwan Dass. West Kashmir Singh North: Lal Singh South: Street Situated at MohkamArain, Teh. Jalalabad District Ferozepur.