All thatpart and parcel of the property Land/ Plot measuring 5 Kanal 4 Marla i.e. 104/3247 share of total land Measuring 162 Kanal 07 Marla Comprised in Khewat No 1178 Kahtoni No 1585 to 1593 jamabandi for the vear 2018-2019 in the name o' Mr.Sandeep Kumar S/o Mr. Bisheshar Nath vide Waska No 2568 dated 08.09.2014 Situated Village Painchawali, Malout Road Ooo. Gumber Rice Mil. Addioing with Fazilka Agro. Tehsil & Distt. - Fazilka (Puniab\. Bounded:- Onthe East by: - Fazilka Aaro On the Opp. Westby:- Street On the North -Plotof Mrs. Santoshi Devi On the Street Plot