DESCRIPTION MORTGAGED PROPERTIES: Item -1: (Vacant Land) Name of Borrower: M/s. TSN Ecotech International Pvt Ltd. Guarantors: 1. Mr. T N Sirajdheen, 2.Mr. S. Muralisundaram, 3.Mr. A Vignesh. Name of owner(s) Mortgagors of Properties: Mr. T N Sirajdheen Out of Large extent of property of 24838 Sft at Tirucirapalli District, Tirucirapalli Taluk, Tiruchirapalli Joint I & II Sub Registration District K. Abhisegapuram Village, Municipal Old Ward No.1. old T.S.No.47, old S.No.372/2 as per sub division new S.F No 372/3 present corporation old ward K Block 20, new ward A and B, new Block 20. new T.S.No.130/4D & T.s.No.130/4E Out of the above said property, Vacant Land of 9443 Sft (with temporary shed) at TS No. 130/4E, Block 20, Ward AB, Birds Road, Cantonment, K. Abhishegapuram Village, Tiruchirapalli West Taluk, Tiruchirapalli District 620009, bounded on the For 4722 Sft: North by: T.S. No130/4D Ashok Kumar Property & T.S.No.130/3 Pallivasal Property, South by: Property in T.S.130/5A East by: T.S.No.130/4E Krishnan Property & T.S.No. 130/4E Balamani Property, West by: T.S.No.132 Pathway. For 4721 Sft: North by: T.S.No/130/4E. Balamani Property, South by: T.S.No.130/5A Property. East by: T.S.No.131, North-South Birds Road. West by: S.No.130/4E Chandran Property.