Vacant land situated at J.L. No. 122. Mouza - Naduria area of land measuring 0.1266 acre, R.S. Khatian No. 165, L.R. Khatian No. 906, R.S. & L.R. Plot No. 493. nature of land . Viti P.O. Khamar Shimulia P.S. Kotwall Dist . Nadia, Pin - 741121 registered vide Deed No. I-10628/2013 in the name of Mr. Sushankar Ghosh, S/O Mr. Sanjit Ghosh Bounded and butted by . By North . 8 ft. Wide Metal Road By South . land of Sukumar Ghosh By East - land of Milan Ghosh By West - land of Madhusudhan Ghosh