Item No.3a - Guntur District Guntur Sub District Guntur City, Lalapet Old Ward 10, Block No.3 T.S.No.377 building with Door No.22-12-88, an extent of 150 Sq. Yds, having construction of RCC building with Ground Floor Plinth area of 1400 sq. ft, First Floor Plinth area of 1400 sq. ft. belonging to Sri Gopu Krishna Raghavendra Gupta and bounded by: East Road; South: Kanigalpula Venkata Narasimharao; West Kanigalpula Venkata Narasimha Rao: North: K Hanumantharao; Item No.3b . Guntur District Guntur Sub District Guntur City Lalapet Old Ward 10, Block No.3 T.S.No.377 building with Door No.22-12-88 an extent of 122 Sq. Yds. with roof tiles having Ground Floor only. belonging to Sri Gopu Krishna Raghavendra Gupta and bounded by: East Item (I) above; South: Joint wall with K. V. Narasimha Rao; West Galli; North: Joint wall with Gunda Punnaiah. (Total extent of item no 3 a & b {under 2 registrations documents)is 272 sq. .yrds) Note: All the above properties are common collateral securities to the debts of 1.M/s.Kothuri Venkata Ratnam Company 2 M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Chillies, 3. M/s Varasiddi Vinayaka Traders, 4.M/s.Sri Vasavi Chillies Traders, 5.M/s.Sri Raghavendra Chillies Trading Company 6. M/s.Sri Lakshmi Chillies Trading Company