Item No : 2 :- All that part and parcel of residential vacant plots to an extent of 3161.28 Sq Yds vide plot Nos. 5,
13,14,15,22,32,41,51,58,62 (total of 10 plots i.e., 382.75 Sq Yds; 341.66 Sq Yds; 341.66 Sq Yds; 341.66
Sq yds; 191.32 Sq Yds; 362.12 Sq Yds; 391.60 Sq Yds; 191.32 Sq yds; 150.33 Sq Yds and 466.86 Sq
Yds), respectively situated at R.S.No's: 114/1, 117/1A and 117/2, Yanamadurru Village, Bhimavaram,
West Godavari, standing in the name of Sri. Vankadaru Suryanarayana, S/o Vankadaru Venkateswara