Equitable mortgage of Property land measuring about 2Cottah 0Chattak approx of Bastu land, Mouza -Udayrajpur, J. L. No. 43, R.S. No. 6, C.S. Khatian No. 816. R.S. Khatian No. 818, R. S. Dag Nos. 1178 &1179;, Touzi No. 146, Ward No. 9under Madhyam Gram Municipality along with abuilding standing thereon situated at 25/1, Ghosh Para, P. O. -Udayrajpur, P. S. - Barasat, District -North 24 Parganas, Kolkata -700 129. Bounded by: On the North by -P/O Dag No. 1179, On the South by -8ft. wide Common Passage, On the East by -P/O Scheme Plot No. F, On the West by -P/O Scheme Plot No. G.