All the part and parcel of the property equitably mortgaged having
landed area with plot measuring 0-10 Marla out of land measuring
4K-4M, comprised in Khewat No.26 Khatoni No.33, Rect No. 12
Killa No.10/5(4-4), Situated atVillage Lohgarh HB No. 305.Tehsil
Dinanagar, District Gurdaspur, Which is bounded on East by
Ownership of Mohinder Singh, West by Gyan Singh, North by
Street andSouthby Pawan Kumar, detail is as per sale Deed executed by Sh. Gyan Singh in favour of Smt. Sarabjit KaurW/o Roop
Singh vide sale Deed No 4577 Dated 26.03.2009