Residential House Building Constructed on Plot measuring 2.48 Marias, Khasra no. 20R/12/2 (2-15), 20R/18/1(5-16) Total 8 Kanal 11 Marlas being 248/17100 share situated at Lamini, Pathankot register with Sub Registrar, Pathankot vide Sale Deed no. 2019-20/44/1/6247 dated 17-01-2020 in the name of Smt. Monika W/o Sh. Faiz Alam Khan and bounded as North : House of Sh. Sidhu, South : Gali, East : Proeprty of Smt. Neelam, West : Gali. (Symbolic Possession 19-03-2022)