LotNo.2: (Property owned by A.D. Bannari) All that piece and parcel of the property situated in Erode Registration District, Bhavani Sub Registration District, Erode Taluk, Suriyampalayam Village, Old F.280C P.A.4.00 In this half PA 2.03 Old S.F.280D P.A.2.39 In this, Boundaries: North : Land of Nanjappa Gounder, South Appichi Gounder land, East Itteri, West Chinappa Gounder share. In this P.A. 1.19 1/2 Total P.A. 3.22 1/2 For old S.F.280D lo.434/4 PH0.45.5 For old S.F.280C R.S.No.434/3PH0.86.0 Total Extent PH1.31.5 In this deducting PA belonging to Seeranga Gounder, S.Kandasamy, S. Muthusami lands and also deducting the extent left for channel remaining extent 3.00 which has been plotted as House sites and also obtained the sanction of Coimbatore Deputy director of Town and Country planning in LP/R.C. No.304 of 1987 for the layout and in this site No. 11 situate South of 30 feet broad East West Road, North of Site No. 12, Westo Site No. 10, East of the plance allotted for park in the plan, In this on the Northern and Southern side East West 40 feet, on the Western and Eastern side North South 60 feet, Total Extent 2400 Sq.ft. Right to use in Common the Three Roads Shown in plan, Property is in S.434/3 Part and R.S .434/4 Part Property in Suriyampalayam Town Panchayat.