Description of Property: Theni District, Periyakulam Registration District Aundipatti SRO Aundipatti Taluk, Aundipatti Village Bit-1, Survey No.598/1B in Door No.3-2-18 for the extent of 747.1/2 Sq.feet (East - West: Northern side 22.1/4 feet,, Southern side 233(4 feet, South North: 32.1/2 feet) out of 15.1/2 cents and totally out 31 Cents of ROC House property, with E.B. Connection with usual pathway rights and with all its amenities. Boundaries are: East: House site belonged to Selvam; West House site belonged to Ananthi, South: House site sold by Eswaran; North: 12 feet wide East-West Common Pathway (6+3+3).