All that the flat comprising of three bed rooms, one dining,
one kitchen, one toilet and one verandah on the first floor,
south west side of the building known/ named 'Jayashree
Apartment' having total super built up area of 780 square
feet approx and all that piece and parcel of one fully
covered garage on the ground floor having an area of
approx 135 square feet be the same a little more or less of
the building commonly known as 'Jayashree Apartment'
lying and situated at 80 Mondal Para Road, Kolkata-
700034 West Bengal. Bounded By: On the North: E-16,
Jayashree Park; On the South: 20' Wide K.M.C Road; On
the East House of Mr. Rudra; On the West: 40' Wide
K.M.C Road;