All that piece and parcel of land of the Shop bearing No.9, on the Ground Floor, admeasuring around about 213 square feet i.e 19.79 sq. meters, in the project called as "Swami Samarth Complex" at the land bearing Survey No.14, Hissa No.1/2, out of which Plot no.6, admeasuring around about 2200 square feet i.e 204.46 square meters and Plot No.7, admeasuring around about 4320 square feet i.e 401.46 square meters, situated at Village: Khardi Taluka: Haveli District: Pune, within the local limits of Pune Municipal Corporation and within the Jurisdiction of Haveli and the said land is bounded as under:East : By 15 feet wide Road,West By 20 feet wide Road,North By Plot No.5 and Plot No.8,South By 25 feet wide Road