All the piece and parcel of the property situated within the limits of Gram Panchayat Bhaurad (Now within Akola Municipal Corporation) Tq. and Distt. Akola and within the jurisdiction of Sub Registrar Office Akola, situated at Mouje Akola F.S. no. 78/4 layout passed by the S.D.O. Akola, in Rev. Case no. NAP-34/Akola/55/2001-2002 of dated 12/12/2002 out of which layout plot no. 46, admeasuring 305.61 Sq. Mtrs. (3288.36 Sq. Ft.) which is bounded as under:- (As per Sale deed no. 554/2005)To the East : Nala To the West : 6 Mtrs. Layout Road To the North 9 Mtrs. Layout Road To the South Layout Plot No:47On the above described plot the present owner as per the construction permission and sanctioned map of construction of dated 28/02/2015 has constructed the row houses under the named and style "Narendra Nagar" out of which Row House no. 31, with super built-up area of 625.00 Sq. Ft. along with 817.75 Sq. Ft. undivided share in the said plot, which bounded as under (As per Agreement to sale):To the east : Nala To the west : Layout road To the north :Row House No:30 To the south : Row House No:32