All the piece and parcel of land and building situated in Bagalur Village of Hosur Taluk, Krishnagiri District attached to the Registration District of Krishnagiri and Sub Registration District of Hosur. Survey.No.206/1, and new sub division Sy.No.206/1A Dry. Ext. Hec.1.84.5, Asst.Rs.6.25 in this an extent of Ac.2.50 (or) 1,09,000 Sq. Feet of vacant land the said land has been divided into house sites and approved by HNTDA (Regularization) No.53/2018 in this Plot No.35 measuring an extent of 1200 sq.feet of land situated within the following Boundaries:
East : Plot No.34 West : Plot No.36 North : Plot No.18 South : 23 Feet Road
Within these boundaries measuring: East to West on Northern side : 30 Feet East to West on Southern side : 30 Feet North to South on Eastern side : 40 Feet North to South on Western side : 40 Feet
Totally measuring an extent of 1200 sq.ft. of land together with the building and building to be constructed thereon.
LOAN ACCOUNT No. - 1361860002844