Item No. I (As per Sale deed dated 13.12.2012/ Doc.No.4652/2012)
Namakkal Registration District, Puduchathiram Sub-Registration District, Namakkal Taluk,
Kannurpatti Village.
Block I
Kannurpatti Village, S.No.36/5, punj. hec. 0.68.5, asst. Rs.5.30, in this 5025 sq.links, as per
sub-division New S.No.36/5A, punj. hec. 0.02.0 (ac. 0.02), asst. Rs.0.15 and in this house
site measuring East West 17’ on both sides, North South 44’ on both sides, total extent 748
sq.ft. situate within the following boundaries:
On the East of : below mentioned 2 Block property Plot No.26 (Item 2) measuring
308 sq.ft. in S.No. 36/5B
On the West of : Remaining house site in S.No.36/5A belonging to B.Thiyagarajan
On the North of : house Plot No.26 (Item I) measuring 1781-1/4 sq.ft. in S.No.36/5B
belonging to M.Duraisamy
On the South of : Thar Road leading from Puduchathiram to Thirumalaipatti
Block II
Kannurpatti Village, S.No.36/5B, punj. hec. 0.68.5, (ac. 1.64), asst. Rs.5.15, divided into
house plots and the layout named as “Amman Nagar†and in this house Plot No. 26 (Iter IT)
measuring East West 7’ on both sides, North South 44’ on both sides, total extent 308 sq.ft.
in S.No.36/5B1 situate within the following boundaries:
On the East of : Plot No.27
On the West of : above mentioned House Site in S.No.36/5A
On the North of : House Plot No.26 (Item I) measuring 1781 % sq.ft. in S.No.36/5B
belonging to M.Duraisamy
On the South of : East West Thar Road
Total extent of both blocks are 1056 sq.ft. (98.11 The above mentioned property is
situated at Kannurpatti Panchayat, Pudhuchathiram Panchayat union limit and has got all
mamool and easementary rights.
Item No. II (As per Sale deed dated 26.08.2015/ Doc.No.2733/2015)
Namakkal Registration District, Puduchathiram Sub-Registration District, Namakkal Taluk,
Kannurpatti Village, Patta No.146, S.No.36/5B, punj. hec. 0.68.5 (ac. 1.64), asst. Rs.5.15,
divided into house plots and the layout named as “Amman Nagar†and in this house Plot
No.26 (Item I) measuring 1781 % sq.ft., in this house site measuring East West 57’ on both
sides, North South 21 %‘ on both sides, total extent 1211 % sq.ft. in S.No.36/5B1 situate
within the following boundaries:
On the East of : Plot No.27
On the West of : 20’ wide North South common Road in S.No.36/5B
On the North of : House site measuring 570 sq.ft. in house Plot No.26 (Item I)
measuring 1781 % sq.ft. in S.No.36/5B belonging to M. Duraisamy sold to Muthusamy
On the South of : Plot No.26 (Item-II) measuring 308 sq.ft. sold to D.Chidhambaram
and S.No.36/5A
The above mentioned property is situated in sub-division S.No.36/5B1, punj. hec. 0.64.27,
asst. Rs.5.02, Kannurpatti Panchayat, Pudhuchathiram Panchayat union limit and has got all
mamoot and easementary rights.