All that piece and parcel of property situated within the Registration District Tiruppur, Sub-
Registration District of Uthukuli, District: Tiruppur, Taluk: Uthukuli, Village: Punjai Uthukuli,
Patta No.741, Old S.F.Nos. 21 and 22, R.S.Nos. 107-2-14.5 & 108/2 - 1.94.5, total extent
4.09.0 hectares.
In the above Survey fields, an extent of 1.69 acres with specific boundaries, which was
divided as house sites and one such site in the layout bearing Site No.16 measuring East
West Northern side 60 feet, East West Southern side 60 feet, North South Eastern side 40
feet, North South Western side 40 feet, i.e, total extent of 2400 sq.ft. (222.96)
within the following boundaries:
East to Site No.9, West to 25 feet North South Road, North to the Site No.17 purchased by
Rajkamal & Saravanan, South to Site No.15.
With the rights to use the common roads in the layout, right to use the 25 feet East West
Road formed by P.Sivasankar and Premkumar and all other rights attached to the above
property and the same is located in Uthukuli Town Panchayat limits.