All that piece and parcel of property bearing Flat No.311, Admeasuring 300.10 Ft. I.E. 27.88 Sq Mtrs. along with undivided land share Admeasuring 8.48 Sq. Mtrs. in ground land, third floor, "Haridarshan Apartment "Shree Balaji Green City" developed upon residential NA Land Situated in State Gujarat, Distt: Surat, Sub-Distt and Taluka: Palsana. Moje Village Kadodara Bearing Revenue Survey No. 106. Block 66 Shree Balaji No. 111 Admeasuring 1686 Sq. Mtrs Paikee Green City" Plots Paikee as per Passing Plan Plot Nos. 01.02 & 3 & as per Site Plot No C-10, C-11 & C-12 Paikee and Bounded by:- East:- - Adjoining Road, West:- Balaji Green Society, North:- Adjoining Road, South:-Sai Darshan Residency