All that piece and parcel of one complete Flat being No. 2/D on the Second Floor of the said Multistoried building measuring covered area of 720 sq. ft. and Super Built up area of 900 sq.ft. be the same or a little more or less consisting of 2 bed rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 Dining cum Drawing & 2 Toilet with privy, 1 Balcony along with undivided proportionate share of land out land measuring 5 Cottahs 7 Chittaks 15 sq.ft. alongwith Multistoried Building standing thereon lying and situated at Mouza Ichapore, J.L. No. 3, Re.Su No. 89. Touzi No 617, comprised and contained in RS Dag No. 5120, 5119/5559 & 5119, corresponding to L.R. Dag No. 8235, 8232 and 8233 under R.S. Khatian No. 1205 & 1687 corresponding to LR Khatian No. 2269, 8240/1, 3631, 3712, 7618, 7695, local limits of North Barrackpore Municipality, under Ward No. 18 (new) being Holding No. 300, Strand Road, P.S.- Noapara, Dist-North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, PIN-743144 covered in Title deed No. 1-08329/2022 in the name of Mr. Arup Dutta.