Property ID No.: SBIN20035338583: All that premises of Flat No. 302, in 3rd floor of the residential Complex "Ganapathi Homes" admeasuring 750 Sft. of plinth area (including common areas) together with undivided share of 27.5 Sq Yrds or 22.99 Sq mtrs out of total land land area of 220 Sq Yds or 183.92 Sq mtrs. constructed on Plot No. 14 in Survey No. 127 situated at Boduppal Village and Grampanchayat Ghatkesar Mandal, RR Dist. Document No. 2774/2015 dated 23.03.2015 Uppal SRO favour of Sri Udayagiri Muralidhar and bounded by: Boundaries for entire Land: North: 25 Wide Road, South: 10 Wide Roab, East: Plot No. 15. West: Plot No. 13, Boundaries for Flat No. 302: North: Staircase & Entance Balcony, South: Flat No. 301. East Corridor, West: Open to Sky