All that site measuring an extent of 54Sq yards or 45.15Sq.mts being an undivided and unspecified share in 164Sq yards out of total 272Sq. Yds together with Flat No.05 being Door No.39-5-22/3/3, Assessment No. 100004/61032, with Electrical Service connection No. the Second floor with an area of 1000Sft(inclusive of all balconies and common areas) and Car parking 80Sft in ground floor of SAI RAM RESIDENCY" bearing Plot No.4 covered by Survey No 9/7A of Kapparada Village, within the Greater Munici- pal Corporation limits and Dwarakanagar Sub Registration District Visakhapatnam District. Vide Reg sale deed No: 4823/2015 Dt.23.12.2015 belongs Mr Konda. G.V. Reddy and Smt Duddu Suneetha and the total property Boundaries: SITE BOUNDARIES:Ea Plot No. 3, South: Property belongs to G.Ramana, West: Property belongs to Ommi Rama Murthy, North: Municipal road. FLAT BOUNDARIES: East: Open space, South: Common Corridor and Staircase, West: Open space, North: Open space