All that the residential file being Flat No 3L having a super built up area of 998 Sq. Ft. be the same a little more or less, on the Third Floor Block c at "NEON RESIDENCY" together with undivided proportionate share or interest in the land and in the common service areas of the said premises along with all easement rights. on a piece and parcel of Bastu land measuring 51 Decimals (more or less). comprised at and within Mouja Liluah, Police Station-Liuah District-Howrah Present Premises Holding No 18 Guha Park (Previously 7. Guha Park). Ward No.65 Dag No. 1996. Khatian No 1407 (Now 639) LR Khatian No 6714 Pin 711204 Within the limits of the Howrah Municipal Corporation The flat is butted and bounded as follows: ON THE NORTH Open to Sky Common Passage ON THE SOUTH Stairs & Common Passage ON THE EAST Flat No. 31, ON THE WEST Open to Sky Common Passage The property stands in the name of Smt Sima Mondal vide Deed No 190105261 for the year 2021, Volume Number 1901-2021. Page from 304601 to 304660 Registered in Book-1. at Additional Registrar of Assurance Office of theA.R.A-I Kolkata, West Bengal