DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES (Tender No. SBI/CRAMC/229/2023-24) Schedule 'A' Property: (Entire land excluding the portion gifted for Road Widening and OSR requirement) All that piece and parcel of land of an extent of 27.81 Acres comprised in (a) Survey Nos 55. 56/1, 57/2 & 57/4 measuring 23.50 Acres, (b) Survey No 53/3A measuring 1.04 Acres, (c) Survey No. 5.3 measuring 3.18 Acres, (d) Survey No 53/10B measuring 0.09 Acres, situated at No 41 Pudupakkam Village, Chengalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram District covered by latest Patta bearing No 2255 and 2259 and the land bounded on the North by Road (earlier land in S.No.53/3 part and Survey No 55 part now gifted by the Vendors for road widening), South by: Land in part of Survey Nos 53/10A, 53/6, 52 and 44, East by Road (earlier land in S.No.55 part, 56/1 part, 57/4 part, 57/2 part, 57/3 and No.4 44 now gifted by the Vendors for road widening), West by Dr. Abdul Kalam Salaiandpartly by lands comprised inS.No.53/10A, 53/6, 53/8, 53/9, 52 and 44 part, situated within the Sub-Registration District of Tirupporur and Registration District of Chengalpattu. As per plan sanction from the Directorate of Town and Country planning, Chennai, vide number Na.Ka.No. 16078/2008 CP dated 26.02.2009 ratified by the Mamallapuram Local Planning Authority vide planning permit number 13/2009 in the Proceeding of la.Ka.No.643/2006/Ma.oo.thi.kudated 22.05.2009 and building permit from Pudupakkam 1st Grade Panchayat Vide resolution No. 39/09 dated 04.06.2009 in the proceedings of Na.Ka.No.Poo.oo.09/2009 dated 05.06.2009 read with revised planning permit from Mamallapuram Local Planning Authority vide Proceedings in Na.Ka.No.400/2012/Ma.or dated 18.05.2012 and building permit from Pudupakkam 1st Grade Panchayat Vide resolution number 51 dated 11.07.2012. Schedule "B" Property: (Undivided share of land hereby conveyed) 0.0480% (i.e., 575.69 sq ft) of undivided share and interest in all that piece and parcel of land more fully and particularly described in Schedule "A" Property. Schedule "C" Property: (Description of the Apartment hereby conveyed) (Three) Bedroom apartment (Refer to the floor plan annexed to written terms) bearing No. A14-301, on the Third Floor in Sector A, Block/Wing 14 of the residential complex known as "Freedom by Provident" (Provident Cosmo City) constructed in the Schedule A Property, having a super built-up area of 1062 sq ft (which is inclusive of the floors, ceilingandwallsbetweentheapartmentsandproportionateshare inallcommon areasa and clubhouse area) together with right to use One Open Car Parking Space. The One Open Car Park will be allotted in Sy. No. 5/13 situated at No. 41. Pudupakkam Village, Chengalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram District This land is located around 150 meters away from Gate 1 of Provident Cosmo City. PropertyAddress Flat No .301, Block-A-14 in Third Floor, Provident Cosmo City, Pudupakkam Village, Chennai - 603103